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Opinons on Food Allergies in Schools. Journalism or Narcissim?

The Reason for the Rant

I don't often rant or use this blog for that purpose. I feel that there is enough "opinion" out there. Uninformed opinion that is geared to gain attention and attract traffic. What the world needs now, is not ranting, but sound information that we can use, and that is what I strive to do.

However, there have been several opinion pieces about food allergies recently that deserve a response. The piece that spurred me to rant today was posted in the Huffington Post Blog (click link to read the article) yesterday by an author who is very upset. Her daughter can't have a birthday cake in school because of "those" kids with food allergies. The author herself has an egg white allergy, and when she was a child she knew a peanut-allergic girl who had died from eating a Twix candy bar containing traces of peanuts. She acknowleges the "skyrocketing number of food allergies and intolerances" (then proceeds to improperly diagnose), yet, she still believes that what works for her, an adult, and what worked for food allergic kids when she was growing up, should still work for kids today.

The complete lack of compassion in this article is what spurred me to respond to the post, and also post it here, because I know that this author is not alone in her frustration. Sometimes a person can become so annoyed with day-to-day circumstances that they don't realize that they are being a real jerk. It's OK to be frustrated, it is a frustrating problem to have the basic needs and joys like food banned in schools, and we should listen to those who are frustrated. But sometimes people don't think beyond their emotion to realize that there is a lot more research to be done before drawing such an opinionated conclusion in public. I'm hoping that this is the case for this author, and I'm hoping that my passionate response to the article will help educate others who might feel the way that she does. I hope that this exchange will spur this discussion about food in schools to a much, much higher level.

A friend of this blog said it best: A school is a place of learning. This parent is missing a wonderful, teachable moment of putting others' needs first, and she is placing her convenience over the needs of a child. Another Tender Friend who has no food issues in her family offered that there are many, creative ways to celebrate a birthday, like bubbles and silly string (although these would have to be checked for allergens, too). On that wonderful creative note - what about taking silly pictures with your classmates? Writing a poem to celebrate the birthday boy or girl? These are things that can have a lasting, positive impression for everyone in class. These are activities that teach real emotional, mental and physical skills as well as celebrate the occasion. What a wonderful thing to walk away from your birthday celebration with such solid memories to keep for years to come. What joy!

Further, what a wonderful thing to think beyond ourselves, since this often spurs us to some of our most creative thinking! I personally can't stand seeing even one little kid feeling ostracized or alone because of quirks, religious orientation, race, creed, disability, family problems, or food issues - especially when just a little creative thinking and care can help grow loving and confident kids who feel like they belong.

This is a world community problem and a local community problem. It isn't about you. It isn't about me. It's about taking care of each other, caring for each other, and solving a very, very tough problem together.


So here is my rant. Feel free to rant back.

"While I empathize with the author's frustration, I think it is unwise to post an article in such a public forum based solely upon opinion, and personal experience, feelings and frustration; and without proper journalistic research. This article doesn't take into account the incredible rise in serious allergies, the rise in deaths from the same, the rise in other types of food reactions that kids are having to multiple foods. It also has no sympathy or regard for the kid that might have intestinal damage because of celiac disease, or flu like symptoms or a tummy ache because of sensitivities or slow onset allergies. It also discusses children as if they were adults, capable of making the same type of rational, spur of the moment decisions necessary to turn down that brownie. Kids don't know brownies are made w/ egg. Kids also are very physical - they kiss, hug, tumble, throw or even spit food in play. I empathize more with schools who have to figure out what is safe for their students and what is appropriate action to take so that each child is cared for, than with parents who no longer can make cupcakes. And I love cupcakes. I empathize with the parents of FA kids who put their kids into the hands of uneducated people every day. The kindest of people can make a mistake, and that is the sad part of this all. No one intends to harm with food. Food should be good for us and delicious and enjoyable. But the reality is that millions of people are having several different types of immune reactions to it. So something is wrong.

We are a community, and this is a community problem. We can't take the narcissistic position of, "I"m sick of this" and serve the solution to this growing problem appropriately."


Elisabeth Veltman

The Tender Foodie


Learn more about this subject

What is a Food Allergy, Anyway?  A list of food reactions and what they mean.

The CDC Guide for Managing Food Allergies in Schools:  an excellent guide for schools and parents.

Emergency Auto-Injector Law Has Passed

How Can Parents Feel Less Stress with a Food Allergic Child in School?: Interview with Melanie Potock, MA, CCC-SLP, of

Be True to Your Heart, Dear Celiac: an excellent post by Brandy Wendler, RN, MSN, ACNP-BC, spokesperson for celiac disease and heart disease, and Ms. Northwest Territories Intl.

Still More ...

Should Anyone Eat Gluten? (Part 1) Interview with world-renowned researcher, Alessio Fasano, MD

How to Get Tested For Celiac Disease (Part 2) Interview with world-renowned researcher, Alessio Fasano, MD

Gluten Sensitivity, a New Food "Allergy" (Part 3) Interview with world-renowned researcher, Alessio Fasano, MD


Other Responses to This Article

Food Allergies in the Classroom: Using Science and Empathy to Drive Your Cupcake Decisions
 by Sheela Raja, PhD in the Huffington Post, Feb. 24, 2014


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Reader Comments (6)

Thank you for this. I am surprised by the depth of emotion I've encountered in several forums lately about treats in school. Cupcakes may have been part of YOUR experience, but your child will have his/her OWN experience. When we know better we have a responsibility to do better. My son has celiac. A child in his class has a life-threatening allergy. Another child has weight issues that are incredibly difficult to navigate ( and NO this child's mom does not have an unhealthy or inactive home). Treats would be fraught with difficulty.

In preschool, each classmate contributed a page to a book for the birthday child saying their favorite thing about that child. In kinder, the birthday child tells the class his/her favorite things. Each child LISTENS and designs a special picture for the birthday child considering what that person loves. My son brought home a book of dragons and ninjas. He GLOWS when either of these books are read. They are treasured. I think I envy his experience compared to my paltry childhood cupcakes.

Thoughtful change is good change. When you know better you should do better.
February 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterKat
Oh Kat! Thanks for your thoughtful and caring response and for sharing these amazing ideas that teachers and parents can use in school. Or even at home with family and friends! I just love these ideas and the kindness behind your post.
You can review that huffington posts bloggers site at
Unfortunately it seems as if she may a problem with food herself and she seems very uneducated when it comes to what we are putting in our bodies and those of our children.
Most of her posts have to do with preparing snacks,sweets,cookies,cakes and hanging out at McDonalds. Most of her blog posts are very self centered an she obviously enjoys any attention she can get be it positive or negative.
I appreciate this "rant" because it helps out all of the mothers and parents of food allergy children to better cope and to know that there are people out there that do care.
I am sooo tired of the parents that feel that kids need sweets for every last little celebration. Parents and schools need to start thinking about the food habits we are teaching our children at such a young age.
When did cupcakes become a mandatory part of public school? There are birthdays every single day! Focus on education and healthy eating habits people!
February 22, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterPeter
Great point, Peter. When did cupcakes become mandatory? And thanks for your comments.
Thank you for another essential article. Where else could anyone get that kind of information in such a complete way of writing?
February 25, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterParkerSmith
Parker, super humbled and grateful for your comments. Thank you.

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